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2024-03-13 20:18:56

New in Kitten¹: Markdown fragments
You can now write your Markdown in separate files and `import()` them as if they were JavaScript modules, just like you can with HTML and CSS fragments.
And while they don’t support props, they do support slots (including named slots, which you can use as poor man’s props.)
:kitten: 💕

Screenshot of code open in Helix Editor (active tab:, inactive tabs:,,

import Markup from './Markup.fragment.html'
import Styles from './Styles.fragment.css'
import Markdown from './'

export default () => kitten.html
  <page css>
  <${Markup} />

    <content for='title'>This is the title</content>
    <content for='date'>${new Date()}</content>
    <button>I’ve been slotted in.</but…
Screenshot of code for

## And this is from a markdown file

As is this.

- Title: __${SLOT.title}__
- Date: __${}__


And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
Screenshot of code for Markup.fragment.html:

  <h1>This is from an HTML fragment.</h1>
  <p>As is this.</p>
Screenshot of the resulting page, rendered in a web browser:

H1: This is from an HTML fragment.

Paragraph: As is this.

H2: And this is from a markdown file

Paragraph: As is this.

List item: Title: This is the title

List item: Date: Wed Mar 13 2024 20:07:03 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)

Button: I’ve been slotted in.

Paragraph: And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
2024-02-23 09:20:40

I often use the #markdown web WYSIWIG editor of #Nextcloud and I really like it. 👍
However, I dont know how to enter or paste markdown source code. Is that possible?

2024-03-03 00:26:54

Looking at non-WordPress options for a professional website. Which CMS do you suggest? I'm looking for user-friendliness (I never want to touch the WordPress Block Editor again) and excellent #accessibility. All recommendations welcome so long as they involve a minimum of handwritten code/markdown (no static sight generators, please)!
2024-03-16 21:59:32

VERY disappointed in GitHub refusing to support the LaTeX `\colorbox` (outright banned) or `\textcolor` macros (seemingly only very limited support) or any CSS solution to allow one to create colored text in Markdown files... I was hoping to create color swatches as shown in the attached preview (in VSCode), but just none of this works on GitHub...
(And yes, I understand there're some potential accessibility issues, but there're more social solutions to address these than an ou…

Screenshot of VSCode split-screen editor of a Markdown file containing a long list of colors. The left pane shows the MD source code, the right pane the rendered preview, incl. color swatches (as background colors)
2024-03-20 20:12:34

new reddit ui is truly amazing. around 40% of the time you click a button and it just does nothing. default editor is neither simple markdown nor rich text editor so you can't do any kind of formatting. truly makes you want to navigate away from the website

Blot turns a folder into a website.
2024-03-03 00:26:54

Looking at non-WordPress options for a professional website. Which CMS do you suggest? I'm looking for user-friendliness (I never want to touch the WordPress Block Editor again) and excellent #accessibility. All recommendations welcome so long as they involve a minimum of handwritten code/markdown (no static sight generators, please)!
2024-02-21 18:15:31

Fun little aside: What if a web app was a local utility? Like a little tool that gave you live previews of markdown files as you made changes to them in your regular editor?
Here’s a 30-second demo video of just that in Kitten.
Check out how simple the code …
2024-03-16 21:59:32

VERY disappointed in GitHub refusing to support the LaTeX `\colorbox` (outright banned) or `\textcolor` macros (seemingly only very limited support) or any CSS solution to allow one to create colored text in Markdown files... I was hoping to create color swatches as shown in the attached preview (in VSCode), but just none of this works on GitHub...
(And yes, I understand there're some potential accessibility issues, but there're more social solutions to address these than an ou…

Screenshot of VSCode split-screen editor of a Markdown file containing a long list of colors. The left pane shows the MD source code, the right pane the rendered preview, incl. color swatches (as background colors)